Monday, March 8, 2010

Over Thinking

So much in mind I think I need a drink. Grrr! I don’t know some time I feel like my relationship is not going to work out… I feel like my light to Tony is going away and I am scared. I really like him a lot but then again maybe I am over thinking it.. grr! I hate feeling like this.. Don’t know what to do.. Maybe all I need to calm down and just relax for a while and let see what happen. I think that’s what I really need to do but I don’t know…grr help??? I really need to talk to him tomorrow and just talk and relax and let see what happen. I should be working on my homework but I really don’t fell like working on it. finally got my car fix and running so I am ready to start going out even though my parents don’t want me to drive when I am going out so that really sucks. I think I should start working on my homework and then take a long shower just to relax.

The Angie came to the house for my little niece b-day party. It was so much fun seeing here again.